Zauberflöte and Zauberflötitis
Zauberflöte and Zauberflötitis

Zauberflöte and Zauberflötitis – A breakthrough in the fight against Zauberflötitis came with the discovery of Beer and Very Old Gin as powerful anti-Zauberflötitis remedies.

The Shlomo Lahat Opera House

Unfortunately, the horrors haven’t stopped. After killing more than 1,300 babies, children, women, men and elderlies, and injuring thousands of people on this deadly attack, Hamas terrorists are now hiding in schools, hospitals and other public buildings in Gaza, causing suffer to many innocent Palestinians.

Das Rheingold in Basel

Am Theater Basel entschied sich Intendant und Inszenierer Benedikt von Peter gemeinsam mit der Co-Regie von Caterina Cianfarini, das Orchester wie am Festspielhaus Bayreuth unsichtbar zu machen, leider nicht mit demselben klanglichen Ergebnis.

Das Wunder der Eliane
Das Wunder der Heliane
"What does censorship reveal? It reveals fear." Julian Assange You can have any review automatically translated. Just click on the Translate button, which you can find in the Google bar above this…

This music video, directed and recorded by Raphaël Wertheimer and Cécile Lenoir at the RiffX Studios, at La Seine Musicale, showcases a work by Sheida Gharachedaghi. This 82-year-old Iranian composer, a true pioneer, left her country during theIslamic revolution in Iran.

Censorship in opera

Opera houses like De Nederlandse Nationale Opera are not only guardians of culture, however dubiously that task may be interpreted, but they cannot shirk the social duty to give reviewers free rein.

De Verkochte Bruid
De Verkochte Bruid in Praag

Dirigent David Svec had af en toe een voorliefde voor hoge decibellen maar hij leidde het geheel met liefde en gezonde energie zonder in platitudes te vervallen. Hij bracht een wervelende voorstelling waar het plezier in het muziek maken van iedereen afspatte.