Anousha Nazari

Anousha Nazari
On the occasion of the release of the album ‘In vino veritas: Hommage à Khayam’, this exceptional concert brings together Iranian mezzo-soprano Anousha Nazari, pianist Laurianne Corneille and clarinettist Amaury Viduvier.
This album of music for lyric voice, clarinet and piano is the work of four new-generation Iranian composers brought together for this unprecedented production. After choosing one of Omar Khayam’s quatrains, each of them composed a piece of music inspired by his favourite text, recreating the universe imbued by these poems that resonate from the depths of time.
Like pearls of emotion and narrative, these compositions open windows to distant worlds while inviting us to embark on an inner journey of self-discovery. It’s a vibrant, melodious tribute to the great 11th-century poet whose verses sing of wine, love and the eternal quest for the fleeting moment.
Anousha Nazari (mezzo-soprano), Laurianne Corneille (piano), Amaury Viduvier (clarinet). With works by Aso Kohzadi, Rouzbeh Rafie, Basir Faghih Nasiri, Mehdi Panahi, Sheida Gharachedaghi Founder and artistic director: Sina Abédi. In partnership with the National Association of Fine Arts. Concert with the support of the Groupe Caviar Latian and the Cabinet Franklin-Stéphan Alamowitch.

This album is supported by patrons Méka Brunel, Ali Kassai Koupai, Hessam Khalatbari, Amir Jahanguiri, Sarah Laporte, Alain Motalebi, Mahasti Razavi, Shahriar Saeedi, Amir Sharifi, Maryam Vélasque, Karim Vissandjee.
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Olivier Keegel


Chief Editor. Does not need much more than Verdi, Bellini and Donizetti. Wishes to resuscitate Tito Schipa and Fritz Wunderlich. Certified unmasker of directors' humbug.

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