Olivier Keegel


Chief Editor. Does not need much more than Verdi, Bellini and Donizetti. Wishes to resuscitate Tito Schipa and Fritz Wunderlich. Certified unmasker of directors' humbug.

Discordia Hall in Amsterdam

Discordia Hall in Amsterdam

Discordia Hall in Amsterdam. In the area of diversity, the Dutch National Opera is seriously failing. Opera lovers who are attached to a libretto-compliant performance are often called “traditional”. This is nonsense. If a restaurant that serves rice and potatoes decides to serve potatoes only, do we suddenly call rice lovers “traditional restaurant-goers”?
For the so-called “traditional opera lover,” opera is an episodic art form that is best enjoyed when the composer and librettist are unconditionally accepted and respected and no disgusting shenanigans are pulled by the director, such as Die Zauberflöte in Auschwitz or “moving” Aida to Evita Peron’s Peru.

Roberto Devereux

Roberto Devereux in Amsterdam

Roberto Devereux. Elisabetta wordt in de DNO-productie gezongen door Barno Ismatullaeva’s, die haar rol met bewonderenswaardig zelfvertrouwen aanpakte: ze beweegt met gemak tussen registers, heeft een onberispelijke ademtechniek, een fraaie dictie en minzame, afgeronde hoge noten.

Anousha Nazari

Anousha Nazari

This album of music for lyric voice, clarinet and piano is the work of four new-generation Iranian composers brought together for this unprecedented production. After choosing one of Omar Khayam’s quatrains, each of them composed a piece of music inspired by his favourite text, recreating the universe imbued by these poems that resonate from the depths of time.

Le Roi d'Ys

Le Roi d’Ys in Amsterdam

Le Roi d’Ys. The soloists, the fine Hungarian National Choir of about 50, but sounding like 100, and the perfect Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by György Vashegyi treated us to a jewel on February 3: a little-known, colorfully orchestrated French Grand opera that is definitely worth a visit.


Parelvissers in Berlijn

Parelvissers. Bizet werd geplaagd door een artistiek geweten, hij schaamde zich voor het charmante in zijn muziek in plaats van het grootse. Hij legde een tanende interesse voor het drama aan de dag.


Agrippina. A slapstick comedy.

AGRIPPINA. Besides pathos and drama, there is certainly irony to be discovered in Agrippina, but Kosky turns it into a flat farce and treated us to incomprehensible follies.

Zauberflöte and Zauberflötitis

Zauberflöte and Zauberflötitis

Zauberflöte and Zauberflötitis – A breakthrough in the fight against Zauberflötitis came with the discovery of Beer and Very Old Gin as powerful anti-Zauberflötitis remedies.

Das Wunder der Eliane

Das Wunder der Heliane

"What does censorship reveal? It reveals fear." Julian Assange You can have any review automatically…