Tag: De Nationale Opera


Dutch National Opera “Toxic ideology on art”

DNO “Toxic ideology on art”. “Her first major solo decision was to cancel an already booked new performance of Verdi’s Otello because of ‘the progressive understanding that an all-white team, including the performer of Otello, is problematic. This no longer felt right with the current changes in our society … Otello in a contemporary form can only be done in a team of color.’ (…) So a white tenor, in her opinion, cannot play the role of a general from North Africa who becomes jealous of his wife.”


Censorship in opera

Opera houses like De Nederlandse Nationale Opera are not only guardians of culture, however dubiously that task may be interpreted, but they cannot shirk the social duty to give reviewers free rein.

De Kaltstellung van de librettist. Deel 1.

The librettist. Part 1.

Direction and music on the one hand and the libretto on the other are barbarically made into unnatural enemies.

Gesubsidieerde absurditeiten


An unprecedented low point was the unsanitary travesty “Der Freischütz,” performed in 2022 at The Dutch National Opera, prepared in the moldy cooking pot of greaseball and narcissist Kirill Serebrennikov, who seems destined to become house director at DNO.