Edita Gruberová – how to kill Opera

The art form of opera is threatened not only by cerebrally onanistic directors. But also by elderly singers who just can’t seem to say goodbye. How far from reality do you have to be to keep going, when the voice is simply no longer bearable? Is there really no one around who can hold up a mirror to these tragic singers of bygone days? Is there no self-criticism? Plácido Domingo is, of course, the most famous example: since he mistakenly got the idea that he had to sing baritone roles, things have gone downhill  at a rapid pace.

And what about this sneaky recording of Edita Gruberová, in 2019 temporarily exiled to Shanghai where she was allowed to show the deconstruction of her voice in front of a half-full auditorium. Simply awful to listen to and (as Violetta) also a farce to behold.

Thanks to this performance, however, we have considerably more understanding for Mr. Germont Sr.

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Olivier Keegel


Chief Editor. Does not need much more than Verdi, Bellini and Donizetti. Wishes to resuscitate Tito Schipa and Fritz Wunderlich. Certified unmasker of directors' humbug.

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Alastair Coates
Alastair Coates
3 years ago

Wow, so brave of you to write a stealth assassination piece on an ageing singer. Such courage. And a good use of your time, I’m sure.