Museale opera

“Museale opera”

Museale opera. Wij hebben nooit een doorwrocht artikel gelezen waarin overtuigend werd bewezen dat Wagner beter tot zijn recht komt als de Rheintöchter sletterige New Yorkse hoeren zijn, en dat Die Zauberflöte (onze lievelingsopera, helaas maar zo zelden uitgevoerd) duidelijk aan waarde wint als de Koningin van de Nacht zich als een blinde mol een weg langs een muur baant, terwijl ze “O zittre nicht” zingt.


The World of John Neumeier

From September 29 to October 13, Baden-Baden will once again be celebrating the work of choreographer legend John Neumeier. At the first three-week-long dance festival in 2024, the curator will be presenting his own works and inviting exciting dance companies into his “World of John Neumeier.”

Rigoletto disaster returns to Amsterdam

Rigoletto disaster returns to Amsterdam

According to The Dutch National Opera, “Michieletto has now become one of the most in-demand directors in the world.”
Shows perfectly what The Dutch National Opera DNO’s priorities are all about.


Dutch National Opera “Toxic ideology on art”

DNO “Toxic ideology on art”. “Her first major solo decision was to cancel an already booked new performance of Verdi’s Otello because of ‘the progressive understanding that an all-white team, including the performer of Otello, is problematic. This no longer felt right with the current changes in our society … Otello in a contemporary form can only be done in a team of color.’ (…) So a white tenor, in her opinion, cannot play the role of a general from North Africa who becomes jealous of his wife.”

zarqa al yamama

Zarqa Al Yamama

Based on an ancient tale from pre-Islamic Arabia, Zarqa Al Yamama tells the story of a legendary woman born to the Geddes tribe and blessed with the gift of foresight. Foreseeing the approach of a rival army that threatens to destroy her people, the story follows the heroine as she attempts to warn her leader and his advisors of the impending danger.

Anousha Nazari

Olivier Keegel – Addio!

Olivier Keegel. Farewell announcement: Olivier Keegel steps down as editor-in-chief of Opera Gazet.

Join us in bidding farewell to Olivier Keegel, Opera Gazet’s esteemed editor-in-chief, who will hand over the reins to Marco Aranowicz on January 1, 2024. Opera fans, the party goes on!

The Shlomo Lahat Opera House


Unfortunately, the horrors haven’t stopped. After killing more than 1,300 babies, children, women, men and elderlies, and injuring thousands of people on this deadly attack, Hamas terrorists are now hiding in schools, hospitals and other public buildings in Gaza, causing suffer to many innocent Palestinians.



This music video, directed and recorded by Raphaël Wertheimer and Cécile Lenoir at the RiffX Studios, at La Seine Musicale, showcases a work by Sheida Gharachedaghi. This 82-year-old Iranian composer, a true pioneer, left her country during theIslamic revolution in Iran.