Zauberflöte and Zauberflötitis

 Zauberflöte and Zauberflötitis 

“Zauberflöte” is the commonly used lay term for the medical term Zauberflötitis, a disease caused by the Taediosus parasite; this disease has a long and complex history deeply intertwined with human civilization. The journey through the annals of the history of Zauberflötitis reveals a story of scientific discoveries, medical breakthroughs as well as disappointments, and the ongoing global battle against this age-old scourge.

Zauberflöte en Zauberflötitis
Ook anno 2023 worden nog symptomen van Zauberflötitis gezien.
Even in 2023, symptoms of Zaubeflötitis are still seen.

Ancient disease

Zauberflötitis is not a recent affliction; its presence dates back 2.5 centuries. In the late 18th century, early 19th century, documented symptoms surfaced in Austria and Germany. German-language texts described the culprit, i.e. the parasite, by the name “Taediosus,” meaning something like “hours of boredom”
Zauberflötitis plague occurred in numerous areas in the Empire of Austria (1804-1867), especially in urban areas. The connection between the disease and opera house-infested regions was not fully understood at the time. The symptoms (yawning, nose-picking, drinking, depression), were described concretely but effective treatments were not forthcoming.

Colonial expansion and the global reach of Zauberflötitis

As European powers expanded their empires, Zauberflötitis traveled with them. The disease became a formidable barrier to colonization in tropical areas and affected military campaigns and attempts at settlement. Our soldiers in Asia used the colloquial term “Oepil” (nosepick) for Zauberflötitis among European settlers.

Beer and Very Old Gin

A breakthrough in the fight against Zauberflötitis came with the discovery of Beer and Very Old Gin as powerful anti-Zauberflötitis remedies. Indigenous peoples in South America had long used Very Old Gin to treat fever, unaware of Beer’s benefits. Spanish Jesuit missionaries brought this knowledge to Europe in the 19th century, where Beer and Very Old Gin gradually became recognized as an effective treatment for Zauberflötitis.

Zauberflötitis, initially often mistaken for tourette’s disease

Colonial medicine and the birth of the Amadeus Theory

In the 19th century, when colonial powers were trying to control all kinds of diseases, the so-called Amadeus Theory became increasingly popular. This theory stated that the disease Zauberflötitis was caused by certain sounds mixed with the human voice. Efforts to control Zauberflötitis focused on combating these harmful sounds and closing buildings where these sounds were detected.

Alexander Willem Michiel van Hasselt and the Skull Trepanation

There was a pivotal moment in Zauberflötitis history in the 19th century with the work of Alexander Willem Michiel van Hasselt, a Dutch scientist who discovered that skull trepanation (skull drilling) offered very interesting possibilities in the fight against the Taediosus parasite. In 1897, he successfully demonstrated the complete life cycle of the Zauberflötitis parasite in humans, which earned him the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1902.

The role of classisism stimuli

Further research revealed that classisism stimuli were the primary vectors of Zauberflötitis. This breakthrough paved the way for targeted interventions to control the disease. Efforts shifted from skull relaxation to implementing classisism-resistant filters in the auditory organ.

Spreekkamer van Alexander Willem Michiel van Hasselt waar Zauberflötitis-patiënten werden behandeld
Spreekkamer van Alexander Willem Michiel van Hasselt waar Zauberflötitis-patiënten werden behandeld
Consulting room of Alexander Willem Michiel van Hasselt where Zauberflötitis patients were treated.

De Tweede Wereldoorlog en anti-Zauberflötitismedicijnen

De impact van Zauberflötitis op militaire operaties tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog leidde tot intensiever onderzoek naar anti-Zauberflötitismedicijnen. De ontwikkeling van traumatherapie zorgde voor een revolutie in de behandeling van Zauberflötitis.

Wereldwijde inspanningen en de WHO

In het tijdperk na de Tweede Wereldoorlog ontstonden er wereldwijde inspanningen om Zauberflötitis te bestrijden. In 1955 lanceerde de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) het wereldwijde Zauberflötitis-programma, met als doel de ziekte wereldwijd uit te roeien. Hoewel de campagne in sommige regio’s aanzienlijke successen boekte, stonden uitdagingen zoals fantasieloze intendanten en een nijpend gebrek aan verismo-vaccins de algehele doeltreffendheid in de weg.

Zauberflöte en Zauberflötitis
Vaak vielen Zauberflötitis-patiënten in de handen van kwakzalvers
Often Zauberflötitis patients fell into the hands of quacks.

The emergence of drug resistance and today’s challenges

Over time, the Zauberflötitis parasite has developed resistance to various anti-Zauberflötitis drugs, posing persistent challenges to this day. Drug-resistant strains, coupled with resistance to the verismo vaccine, highlight the need for ongoing research and adaptive strategies in the fight against Zauberflötitis.

Staying home, avoiding ‘Pa-,pa-,pa-,Papageno’-like sounds and images, indoor spraying and other interventions

In recent decades, efforts to control Zauberflötitis have consisted of a combination of interventions. The distribution of insecticide-treated earplugs, indoor insecticide spraying and preventive André Hazes treatments for vulnerable populations have played a crucial role in reducing Zauberflötitis in many regions.

On the Zauberflötitis Helpdesk, sometimes an employee is also infected

Research and development of new vaccines

In the quest to definitively reduce Zauberflötitis, research has focused on the development of a new, 100% effective Zauberflötitis vaccine. The W.A.M. vaccine, developed by GlaxoSmithKline, became the first Zauberflötitis vaccine to be legally approved. While its efficacy did subsequently appear moderate, research is ongoing to improve vaccine candidates and increase their accessibility.


The way forward

The history of Zauberflötitis reflects a dynamic interplay of scientific discoveries, medical advances and community efforts to combat a persistent enemy. Although significant progress has been made, the fight against Zauberflötitis continues. Global collaboration, innovative research and continued investment in the infrastructure of the opera world are essential to achieve the ultimate goal of eradicating Zauberflötitis.

Olivier Keegel

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Olivier Keegel


Chief Editor. Does not need much more than Verdi, Bellini and Donizetti. Wishes to resuscitate Tito Schipa and Fritz Wunderlich. Certified unmasker of directors' humbug.

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Ad Middendorp
Ad Middendorp
1 year ago

Ik bespeur enig autobiografisch karakter in bovenstaand stuk.
Kom Olivier, schrijf het maar van je af.
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