Museale opera. Wij hebben nooit een doorwrocht artikel gelezen waarin overtuigend werd bewezen dat Wagner beter tot zijn recht komt als de Rheintöchter sletterige New Yorkse hoeren zijn, en dat Die Zauberflöte (onze lievelingsopera, helaas maar zo zelden uitgevoerd) duidelijk aan waarde wint als de Koningin van de Nacht zich als een blinde mol een weg langs een muur baant, terwijl ze “O zittre nicht” zingt.
Tag: regietheater
According to The Dutch National Opera, “Michieletto has now become one of the most in-demand directors in the world.”
Shows perfectly what The Dutch National Opera DNO’s priorities are all about.
Discordia Hall in Amsterdam. In the area of diversity, the Dutch National Opera is seriously failing. Opera lovers who are attached to a libretto-compliant performance are often called “traditional”. This is nonsense. If a restaurant that serves rice and potatoes decides to serve potatoes only, do we suddenly call rice lovers “traditional restaurant-goers”?
For the so-called “traditional opera lover,” opera is an episodic art form that is best enjoyed when the composer and librettist are unconditionally accepted and respected and no disgusting shenanigans are pulled by the director, such as Die Zauberflöte in Auschwitz or “moving” Aida to Evita Peron’s Peru.
Are we addicted now ? We must also consider the impact of “regietheater” and the fanaticism of “political correctness.” These are two forces that are transforming the world of opera. In the name of “political correctness,” every possible reference to anything that does not conform to the new doctrine is modified or eliminated. We are seeing more and more often “Aida” with light skin, Turandot who avoids any possible reference to China, changes to terms in the libretto considered racist, and so on.
Lynn: “After 10 months of intense work, I have finally finished my new book, “Opera as Drama II,” which illuminates the history of the art form from the perspective of drama rather than entertainment.”