CHEREMUSHKI. The ensemble cast was uniformly excellent.
Month: March 2023
Pavarotti meets Alberti is een professionele voorstelling die draait om muziek en verlucht wordt met enkele vermakelijke en soms wat minder vermakelijke sketches.

Les contes alla Scala. Molto brava, nel ruolo di Antonia, Eleonora Buratto che porta avanti, insieme a pochi, pochissimi, altri, la tradizione della scuola di canto italiana.
Zu Hilfe, zu Hilfe, sonst bin ich verloren!
The full title of Shostakovich’s operetta is Moscow, Cheremushki (Москва, Черемушки), and it was a direct, explicit response to the very specific reality of the housing crisis in Soviet Russia in the 1950s.